Ven Pasanna Bhikkhuni Visits Adelaide To Care For Her Mother

Ven Pasanna Bhikkhuni Visits Adelaide To Care For Her Mother

Dear Friends,

Our cherished nun Pasanna is in Adelaide for just over two weeks until June 14th.
She is caring for her mother and staying at her mother’s home in Mylor.

We invite supporters to take up the opportunity of bringing her Dana throughout her stay. Venerable Pasanna will organise her own Dana calendar so it is more practical to send her a message direct. or phone her on 0407970544
She has also informed us that she is happy to accept visitors to her Mother’s home in Mylor to discuss Dhamma, practice meditation or offer food.

There has been a point of confusion in the past:

For those wishing to participate, please be aware that
venerable is not at the Mylor forest monastery .
venerable Pasanna is at her mother’s home in Mylor

(please contact venerable Pasanna for the address)

Blessings in the Dhamma,

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