On Tuesday 20th November, we will have a visit from Ajahn Kalyano (34 vassa) of Buddha-Bodhivana Monastery in Victoria. (Warburton) He is a wonderful articulator of the Buddha-Dhamma.
Ajahn Kalyano will be accompanied by three other monks. He will receive food/dana on that morning at 10.30 at the Thebarton Thai Vihara, and no doubt give a talk. I believe they will only be staying the morning in Adelaide.
Ayya Joining the Monks at Thebarton for Dana on the 20th
Ajahn Liikit has invited Ayya Santacari to join the Monks for Dana on Tuesday 20th. Ayya is glad to be able to pay respects to Ajahn Likkit and very happy to have the opportunity to hear the Dhamma from Ajahn Kalyano.
Ajahn Nico arrives Tuesday Evening
There will be a visit to Adelaide of Ajahn Nico Jotidhammo who is an Adelaide born Australian monk who has been in forest meditation in the Sri Pada Wilderness for over a decade now. In the evening at 19.15 (QF 697) Ajahn Nico will arrive from Sri Lanka via Melbourne. Jim and Gaj will meet him but anyone else wishing to greet him at the airport please feel free to do that. He will stay at Thebarton Vihara with possibly some days at Mylor forest hermitage.
Ajahn Nico will be arriving on 20th November 2018 and leaving on 26th November 2018 to Melbourne. Ajahn Nico will be visiting Adelaide again on 12th December 2018 and leaving on 19th December 2018. Between 26th Nov and 12th December he will be in Melbourne visiting Bhante Wimalayana’s monastry.
Ajahn will be staying at the Thai Temple (Wat Rattanaprateep Vihara) at 45 Smith Street, Thebarton 5031 (Tel 84435856) where he will be available for people to meet and discus the Dhamma or to offer Dana.
You can offer Dana to Ajahn Nico at Thebarton temple on:
Wednesday 21st Nov
Thursday 22nd Nov
Friday 23rd Nov
Saturday 24th Nov
Sunday 25th Nov
Monday 26th Nov
Being a forest dwelling monk of Thai tradition he will not visit homes for Dana. Those who wish to offer Dana can offer it in the Thai temple at 10.00 am along with the Thai devotees.
We have requested the following teaching dates from Ajahn :
Saturday 24th November 2018 Time: 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Location: 45 Smith Street, Thebarton (Wat Rattanaprateep Vihara)
Dhamma discussion with Ven Ajahn Nico and opportunity to ask questions about the practice
Sunday 25th November 2018 Time: 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Location: Wat Rattanaprateep Vihara. Address: 45 Smith St, Thebarton SA 5031 Phone: (08) 8443 5856
Dhamma talk and discussion with Ven Ajahn Nico for children.
Saturday 15th December TBA
Sunday 16th December TBA