Many of you have joined our nun, Bhikkhuni Santacari for dana at the Dhammatthala Vihara in Christies Beach.
Most days it is fine, but sometimes it is windy and wet. The rain blows into the dana area and can make everyone quite uncomfortable, as happened last month at our annual Vesak celebration.
It was suggested on the day that we should get some cafe blinds to protect people bringing dana from unpleasant weather.
Having obtained 3 quotes for clear plastic slide up blinds we have a quote for $5,500 that we are happy with (conditional on raising the funds).
If you would like to contribute to some weatherproofing for the Nun’s dana area, you can donate via bank transfer to our account:
BSB 633-000 (Bendigo Bank)
A/C no: 1600 59 499
Buddhist Society of South Australia Inc.
At the retreat our Bhikkhuni recently went on with Bhikkhu Sujato teaching, he spoke about the pali endings “ti” and “tu”. He said tu means may it be so, and ti means it is so.
Should you like to donate to this, may you have every good blessing
Bhavatu saba mangalam.
Having supported us in the past you already have 4 blessings
cataro dhamma vadanti
ayu vano sukham balam.
long life, beauty, happiness and strength.